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Visible Mending

Collected Item: “Iryna Kucher”


Iryna Kucher




+45 91333006


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Teaching or research post(s)

PhD fellow at Sustainability lab at Design School Kolding

Overview of work

Comparative study of mending practices in Western and post-Soviet contexts

Your work in more detail

Most of the studies on clothing repair focused on mending barriers and why people do not mend. Iryna Kucher’s PhD study, however, seeks to broaden perspectives and understandings of user mending practices, not from the perspective of mending barriers but from one of clothing repair resources—those elements of mending practices that might enable self-repair. Therefore, this doctoral study aims to understand how people mend, what competences are utilised when mending practices are enacted and what contributes to successful repair. In view of this aim, Iryna designed a comparative research study involving a group of six participants from Denmark and Ukraine, which comprised wardrobe studies and participatory mending-making activities employing design research artefacts. The study revealed the complex of mending competences utilised when mending practices are enacted and the complexity of repair infrastructure constituted by mending education on different levels and the network of clothing repair services.

Bio or CV

Iryna Kucher is an eco-social designer and design researcher currently finalizing her PhD on mending at Sustainability Lab at Design School Kolding in Denmark. She was born and raised in Ukraine, where mending has never ceased to be a relevant cultural practice. She learned to mend both at home and school since mending is still a part of school educational programs in the Ukrainian context. From 2019 she researches mending practices and teaches interdisciplinary MA and BA courses in sustainability. Her work was included in the permanent observatory of industrial design and design research (ADI) collection and was exhibited internationally.

Research area(s)

Transdisciplinary research in intersection of eco-social design, history, and the use phase of clothing consumption


repair studies, repair history, clothing consumption, sustainability, design

Related research

Collaborators/ influences

Ulla Ræbild
Amy Twigger Holroyd
Alvise Mattozzi
Vibeke Riisberg
Ingun Klepp
Kate Fletcher


Design School Kolding

Course(s) taught

Learning From the Past
Deep Research

Key symposia/ conference(s)

Fashioning Sustainment: Histories of Resourcefulness, Reuse and Creative Ingenuity in 20th Century Fashion and Dress
Global Fashion Conference
Fashion Tales. Politics through wardrobes

Selected publications

Home City or Region

Kolding, Denmark
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